Research and Education

Our research focuses on measuring and improving the quality of care given at our clinic. Our educational initiatives aim to give M.D. and PA students the tools to provide harm reduction care, break stigmas in the field, and bring awareness to the health needs of our patient population.

Our Research

The WiSH Research team conducted a qualitative needs assessment report to identify the needs of the LES community within the sphere of harm reduction and substance use disorder. Based on this report, the WiSH clinic has expanded its clinical services to provide comprehensive harm-reduction care. The research team is currently conducting a quality and improvement project to identify growth areas for the WiSH Clinic.

Our Curriculum

The WiSH Education team is dedicated to improving medical education about addiction. We are currently building a Canvas course for Weill Cornell medical students about the needs and treatment of people who inject drugs through a harm reduction lens. Through this course, we hope to improve students' knowledge about addiction medicine as well as shift their attitudes about people who inject drugs. We also host events with guest speakers such as patients, community health workers, researchers, and more, who can provide the Weill Cornell community with different perspectives surrounding addiction and recovery.

Learn about past and upcoming educational events.

Weill Cornell Medicine Student WiSH Clinic
170 William Street, 1 FL
New York, NY 10038
Phone: 646-962-4391